Thursday, February 23, 2012

THIS! Has got to END!

I have the Twisted Sister song, "We're Not Gonna Take It" lyrics in my head as I type.
"We're Not Gonna Take It
No, We Ain't Gonna Take It
We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore!"

Aside from looking cluttered, this set-up is far from functional.

First off, I spy with my little eye, two identical canisters of basil leaves. Who can tell what you already have when it's all jumbled like this?

Second, spices are supposed to be kept in a dark, dry, not too warm area. Pretty sure the top of the oven/stove does not fit this criteria.

Third, they fall down. A few times they have fallen while I was cooking. I try to be a good Christian but how the *&$#! can't you not curse when the parsley leaves container just fell into your nice hot meal?!! Two nights ago, a few of the spices crashed down at the respectable time of 0330am. We hadn't used them in a few days. Did our kitchen suddenly become a wind tunnel? Do we have a Mickey Mouse with a craving for cinnamon? I don't know. All I know is that after nearly 1 year, I'm coming up with a better solution.

I have a few ideas in mind. But let me ask you - How and Where do you store your spices???

1 comment:

  1. I'm such a groupie! LOL
    We store ours in the top cabinet right next to the stove. I'd recommend using a "Lazy Susan" or one of those shelf things that allows the jars in the back to stand higher so that you can see what they are. Like this:

    Or, you could DIY something like this:
