Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I have a blog

Welcome to The Handyman's Granddaughter! Here, I hope to share our hopes, dreams, successes, and failures, photos of our first home. "Our", you might ask? The man behind the woman with the blog is my husband, Steve. We bought our first home, in Portland, CT, last March. It's a 1980's cosmetic nightmare. There's pretty wallpaper out there and then there's wallpaper that haunts you in the middle of the night. We chose the house with the latter. The flooring...I'm pretty sure some of the carpet (and yes, I did look underneath, this may be my first blog but I could make a career out of reading how-to's, just plywood) is the 1980's original. The 80's are kind of "the lost years" in homemaking. Too soon to be relished for it's antique charm or "character" but too long ago to be anything worth desiring in 2012. The reason we bought the house is for it's amazing potential. Plenty of square footage, 2.5 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms, open-ish floor plan, all bedrooms on the same floor, nice storage areas, decent size kitchen with a dining room, garage, (which we don't use except to store the "projects" I'll get around to some day) and the potential to re-finish the basement into a woman's cave playroom.

We are willing to put in the work to make this our dream home. Problem is, my husband is not handy. He wasn't handy when we met so I'm not sure why I thought this was suddenly going to change with the addition of a ring. I'm not what I'd call "good" with paintbrushes, ladders, wallpaper removal tools, hammers, or power tools. I'm definitely not afraid to try though! So, where are we getting our DIY savvy knowledge, skills, and tools from?? The Handyman's son! Dad to the rescue! He can do much of what he does because he learned it from his dad. Hence, the name of this blog. The three of us, are much of the same in that we aren't afraid to try something new, we aren't afraid to royally mess up, and I think we can see a bigger picture in projects that some just can't see. Most of all, we are way too cheap cost-conscious to pay someone to do it for us!!  More about the Handyman and his son in future posts.....

I hope you stick around to read more! I'm not sure where this blog is going to go but right now I'm picturing it containing house repairs, decorating, cooking, organizational, and cleaning trials and tribulations....and of course, lots of photos!!  

1 comment:

  1. You are an excellent writer! Can't wait to see pics :)
