Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Resurrection? We're still on His birth!!

I'm a lazy blogger, YES! But, I'm even a more lazy home decorator.

When you start seeing these

And these 

Via All About Birds

You should probably take down these 

Yes!!!! Our CHRISTMAS card display!! It is the last bit of Christmas that did not make it down to the dungeon basement. 

I've thought about taking it down several times. It really wouldn't be hard. It might even motivate me to wash the windows. The truth of the matter is that even though I don't get to see or talk to many of the people and families that sent us these cards I love seeing all your faces and greetings when I eat!!


You naturally get placed into my prayers and daily reflections while I squirrel watch (kinda like bird watching but more entertaining.)  I might swap the card idea out with a non-holiday themed display. Maybe I'll put up a neutral colored line across the windows and just put up photos of all of you! The spot will look so bare when I finally do take it down!                                

So, what have we been up to since I haven't been blogging and we still have Christmas up and Easter is around the corner?? 

 We went to the casino for the night one day of my vacation.
 What? Wait! Ok, I'll be honest. I was trying really hard to find a way to put this photo on my blog!! At the casino! I got such a kick out of it. It was too late at night but I really wanted to call someone on it. Maybe we'll add one when we do our mini bathroom makeover.
Celebrating the Oreo's birthday with a cookies and cream milk shake. Yumm! 

And, I've been working on this

What on Earth is this??? It's going to be our menu board. As posted earlier we are doing weekly menu planning to eat better and hopefully save some money and resources. I picked up some galvanized steel at Lowe's. Some scrapbook paper and magnets at Michael's Crafts. Just going to get some fabric and maybe some wood to make a frame. 

No, I'm not super creative or smart. I got my inspiration here

Via Serenity Now

And Here

Via House of Smiths
PS. Great blog. You should check it out. One of my new favorites. Yes, Stacy,  that means you! 
I was going to put our menu board on the back of our door going to our dungeon  basement. When I told Steve my plan he said, "Why not put it on the front of the door? Your going to make it pretty anyway. We might as well be able to see it." Reason #456779 why I love him!!  Now there's just a little more pressure to make it REALLY PRETTY! Challenge accepted! 

              Here's our little set-up. As you can see by my lovely drawing the menu board will be on the front side of the door. Also, on the "to-do-list" is to replace the hollow wooden flat doors hiding the pantry and the dungeon basement with white, 6 panel, pine doors to match the laundry closet.  And yes, our "temporary" card table from my parents' house has become a little more than what I call temporary. It NEEDS to be replaced with a proper kitchen table. Soon. Very soon! 

So, what IS on the Menu?
Wednesday: BBQ Beef sandwiches (per husband's request) with a side of spinach with grape tomatoes.
Thursday: Left overs from Wednesday. We have our tax appointment (hoping for a return!!) and won't have time to cook between the appointment and work schedules.
Friday: Coconut Tilapia Fish Fry with Cilantro and lime brown rice and Roasted broccoli with almonds.    This is your friendly lent reminder! If you follow such practices. 
Saturday: St. Patty's Day! I'll be making Corn Beef with potatoes and carrots for the first time. No cabbage. Neither of us like it. Husband is not excited about this meal. He's not Irish and he thinks the holiday is ridiculous. It's tradition so he'll suck eat it up!
Sunday: Pesto Chicken with a side of cider peas and apples and leftover potatoes and carrots (if there is any).

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