Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Fruit and Flowers

I can't do half of the posts I've been thinking about lately because my camera battery is dead and I can't find the charger! I could just type but without the accompanying photos it's just me trailing off again. A blog emergency! So, I'll do whatever any resourceful blogger would do a pull up the million and one saved photo inspirations I've acquired in the last year.

Let's talk dining rooms! Some homes have them. Some homes don't use them. Some homes just store all the stuff they don't know where to put anywhere else (insert photo of massive amounts of seemingly unrelated items on dining room floor).

We LOVE the fact that our home has a dining room as well as a separate kitchen eat-in. It's our place to store our fancy dishes (or "china" as I was once corrected) and to offer more mingling and eating space when our massive parties get too large (No massive parties yet. Unless you consider Thanksgiving eating off a card table a massive party). It was soo nice to have on Thanksgiving. We were able to eat and relax and not even worry about the huge mess on the other side of the wall.

Now, what do we do decorating and furnishing wise with this room I LOVE.

Here's photos of said room.
 This room is so neglected the only photos I have of it are from our inspection with the previous owner's belongings in it! 

Close-up of wall-paper
O.K., not the worse example of wallpaper. We haven't touched it because 1) We are trying to force ourselves to stick with one room at a time  2) We debated long and hard as to if the wallpaper should stay in all it's fruit and flower glory. We asked family. We asked friends. Census is...older family members say it's not bad and holds a certain charm. The 20 - 30 year olds say, "It's just not you!!!"

So, WHO AM I? I'd like to think I'm fun, conservative, relaxed, loyal, not too trendy. Pretty much everything you'd want in a dining room!

 I love you. You.Are.Perfect. Light colored walls. Dark wood. Upholstered chairs. Colorful wingback chairs. Oh so gleaming chandelier. Pops of color. I may even try my own table on a diagonal because of you.

via Centsational Girl
If I could have two favorites this would be the other one. Pleated parson chair slipcovers!! Wingback chairs. Even the blanket on the left chair communicates how I want my dining room to look. And then, there's the walls. A light greenish, gray. Definitely the color I'm leaning towards. 

via House and Home
More slipcover love.

But, my chairs look like these: 

I think my husband would just about die if I told him I thought about doing this to them: 
via Cottage & Vine
P.S. Love the room color in the top photo

via Miss Mustard Seed

I even thought about painting the bottom portion of our table white too. I have since dismissed that thought. Love her curtains though! And of course, pleated slip covers!! 

via Willow Decor
This is more of what our room will look like since I highly doubt my love will let me touch the chairs with paint. Pretty slip covers, of course! 

Or, there's this idea. I could mix and match chairs or completely say sayonara to the old chairs and start over. 
Example A. Keep old chairs  (but in their natural wood state) and add comfy end chairs.

Example B. Get all new upholstered chairs. Probably in white.

via Knight Moves Blog


Example B 1/2: All new chairs. Probably not in ratan or wicker. Or whatever material that is. I do love it but I doubt Steve would go for it. Major curtain and blind inspiration there. Love how this room comes together. I even had a fight with my husband because of this very dining room. I wanted to move our hutch on the opposite wall so we could put two photos on either side like this blogger. Conversation did not go well. Apparently hutch is very heavy.

In other news, we have a new buffet server! Well, not new. It's old. And, it's not a buffet server. It's a dresser that I'm going to turn into a buffet. We got it at the Habitat Restore. Steve and Dad pick it up tomorrow! It will need some sanding and stain like the table (which is coming along nicely).

How awesome is this piece of furniture and the decorating that goes along with it?!! I might see how it would look to do the bottom of our buffet white with a stained top to match the hutch and table (especially since I can't paint the chairs). 
via Adventures in Decorating

The paint color, wainscotting, and decor of this room is amazing. 

This is the picture that started my whole quest for a light blue/green/gray room. Love the way the dark wood pops against the light walls. 

via Centsational Girl
And this, from my go-to-blogger for many house related problems and quests. Just love love love the feeling of this room. She refinished this table too. It's where I taught myself to do my own. Also gave me the inspiration for a round kitchen table. If you are thinking about refinishing furniture I HIGHLY suggest you follow the above link for her tutorial.

Would love a set up like this for the kitchen: 
My kitchen layout is very similar. Need to put counter stools on my to-do/buy list! But, this is a completely different long-winded post!! 
HGTV's 2008 Green Home

via Wainscot Solutions
Since this house isn't ALL about ME (!) here's Steven's dream dining room.
Not ME at all!! I'd rather keep the wallpaper. Red makes me so ANGRY. I'd sit in this room wanting to throw forks and knifes at people. I'm hoping if I keep showing him beautiful pictures of soothing dining rooms he'll come around. He has it predetermined that at least one room in the house will be regal red. Regal is fine...as long as I don't have to live in it! 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

While I was gone...

I was gone for not even two hours and this is what I came home to. 

What? You can't see what I'm talking about? 

These little darlings decided to bloom!!!  So proud. Although, I didn't plant them. They were there when we moved in.

Resurrection? We're still on His birth!!

I'm a lazy blogger, YES! But, I'm even a more lazy home decorator.

When you start seeing these

And these 

Via All About Birds

You should probably take down these 

Yes!!!! Our CHRISTMAS card display!! It is the last bit of Christmas that did not make it down to the dungeon basement. 

I've thought about taking it down several times. It really wouldn't be hard. It might even motivate me to wash the windows. The truth of the matter is that even though I don't get to see or talk to many of the people and families that sent us these cards I love seeing all your faces and greetings when I eat!!


You naturally get placed into my prayers and daily reflections while I squirrel watch (kinda like bird watching but more entertaining.)  I might swap the card idea out with a non-holiday themed display. Maybe I'll put up a neutral colored line across the windows and just put up photos of all of you! The spot will look so bare when I finally do take it down!                                

So, what have we been up to since I haven't been blogging and we still have Christmas up and Easter is around the corner?? 

 We went to the casino for the night one day of my vacation.
 What? Wait! Ok, I'll be honest. I was trying really hard to find a way to put this photo on my blog!! At the casino! I got such a kick out of it. It was too late at night but I really wanted to call someone on it. Maybe we'll add one when we do our mini bathroom makeover.
Celebrating the Oreo's birthday with a cookies and cream milk shake. Yumm! 

And, I've been working on this

What on Earth is this??? It's going to be our menu board. As posted earlier we are doing weekly menu planning to eat better and hopefully save some money and resources. I picked up some galvanized steel at Lowe's. Some scrapbook paper and magnets at Michael's Crafts. Just going to get some fabric and maybe some wood to make a frame. 

No, I'm not super creative or smart. I got my inspiration here

Via Serenity Now

And Here

Via House of Smiths
PS. Great blog. You should check it out. One of my new favorites. Yes, Stacy,  that means you! 
I was going to put our menu board on the back of our door going to our dungeon  basement. When I told Steve my plan he said, "Why not put it on the front of the door? Your going to make it pretty anyway. We might as well be able to see it." Reason #456779 why I love him!!  Now there's just a little more pressure to make it REALLY PRETTY! Challenge accepted! 

              Here's our little set-up. As you can see by my lovely drawing the menu board will be on the front side of the door. Also, on the "to-do-list" is to replace the hollow wooden flat doors hiding the pantry and the dungeon basement with white, 6 panel, pine doors to match the laundry closet.  And yes, our "temporary" card table from my parents' house has become a little more than what I call temporary. It NEEDS to be replaced with a proper kitchen table. Soon. Very soon! 

So, what IS on the Menu?
Wednesday: BBQ Beef sandwiches (per husband's request) with a side of spinach with grape tomatoes.
Thursday: Left overs from Wednesday. We have our tax appointment (hoping for a return!!) and won't have time to cook between the appointment and work schedules.
Friday: Coconut Tilapia Fish Fry with Cilantro and lime brown rice and Roasted broccoli with almonds.    This is your friendly lent reminder! If you follow such practices. 
Saturday: St. Patty's Day! I'll be making Corn Beef with potatoes and carrots for the first time. No cabbage. Neither of us like it. Husband is not excited about this meal. He's not Irish and he thinks the holiday is ridiculous. It's tradition so he'll suck eat it up!
Sunday: Pesto Chicken with a side of cider peas and apples and leftover potatoes and carrots (if there is any).

Monday, March 5, 2012

Fat and Frugal

The "Handyman" or "Poppy," as I knew him, would be astounded and ashamed by the amount of food that goes to waste over here! We (2012 Americans) are a population whose mindset is that when something breaks or goes bad we'll just "get a new one." The recession is starting to change people's habits and maybe we need tougher economic times to get our priorities and pocketbooks straight.

My Poppy would not throw ANYTHING out. He wasn't quite like the show "Hoarders" but he would definitely pick up bikes, furniture, or something that he "could one day fix" off the side of the road. His entire basement was unusable because it had all such items that he "could fix" but would never actually use. I laugh at myself when I slow down to get a better look at furniture and items that "maybe I could refinish" Example A is in my garage. Except this is a quality piece of furniture from Steve's parents house that otherwise would have went in the garbage. And I really do plan need to finish it. Spring plans, my friends!

Example A

Poppy was "green" before it was a political-ecological movement.  When I picture him I see the same clothes he always wore (probably only owned a handful of "outfits"), his cloth handkerchief (no need for kleenex), and his canvas bag (probably filled with prescriptions and dog treats). He hunted and gathered a lot of his own food. He hunted deer, fished, and had a very large garden right in what is now considered a city. He watched every penny.

The "Handyman" holding his Granddaughter :) 

He was mindful of where his products came from and whose job was at stake as a result. Much of my childhood was spent watching Poppy turn over my toys and muttering something about American jobs, pride, and what the future will bring.

USA Pan.  You can get them online or at some Bed Bath and Beyonds. More information can be found Here.  And, despite some companies using "USA" in their name but not actually making their products here, I believe these came from Pennsylvania. Best baking products I've ever used too! 

I heard you.

Our everyday dishes. Fiesta. Only reasonably priced dish line still made in the USA

He could have predicted this recession in the 90's. Poppy really didn't need to watch those pennies like he did. I think, looking back, it was about being responsible. It was about taking only what you need and being happy with what you have. Greed is a nasty sin. Yet, I think he would laugh at all the hippie "green" movements, "Occupy" movements, and the like. His bumper sticker on his old Chevy Suburban read, "Don't blame me..I vote Republic."  Ha. It was just who he was. A child of the Great Depression. A child who shared an average sized bedroom for one in 2012  with 6 or 7 siblings.  A WWII Navy Veteran.  A man who wanted better for his family but did so through honest means, saving, and responsible spending.

To curb our spending and wastefulness I am starting weekly menu planning. Yes, I'll need to go grocery shopping more than once a month but the satisfaction of knowing food isn't being wasted and my family is eating healthy, yet staying well-fed is worth it. I think we'll end up saving time, money, and even calories in the end.

This weeks menu:

Monday: Meat Loaf  with Leek and Brie Bruschetta (told you I'd find a use for those leeks!!! Bonus- found a use for our half a loaf of Italian bread at the same time) and spinach for me and left over green beans for Steve.

Tuesday: Chicken Pot Pie. I have celery, carrots, and parsnips about to turn. Plus, Steve has been politely suggesting I find a recipe for pot pie.

Wednesday: We are going to the casino as part of my "stay-cation." We'll do dinner there.

Thursday: Sneaky Mac + Cheese. I'm calling it such because I'm going to "sneak in" spinach and frozen peas. Steve hates vegetables but is warming up to them if I hide them in bread or cheese.

Friday: Almond-crusted Halibut. Broccoli and a baked or mashed potato as a side. Don't forget it's Lent!

Saturday: Black-Pepper Balsamic Pork with Barley and tomatoes.

Sunday: Sarah L's Chicken Marsala with glazed carrots. 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Kitchen is open for business

 Not bad L, Not bad. Tomato, Leek, and Parsley Soup with Squid.

 Here's a side by side comparison of the recipe photo from Self Magazine and our final result. Pretty darn good if you ask me! If you read the post before you'd know that I was cooking with squid for the first time last Friday and I was nervous. For good reason, here's what it looked like when we opened the packaging from the fish market:

Yuck. Looks like brain. 

My husband did the cutting. He was worried about my little fingers! I did do some of the cutting just to say I did..and to share with you the results. Squid has the consistency of umbilical cord. In fact, cutting through it was much the same. I'm not sure what percentage of the population knows what umbilical cord feels like to cut through but I'm pretty sure a good percentage of my blog readers know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. I'm thinking maybe scissors would have been easier than a knife. It was hard to get a clean cut. 

  This recipe is not one for someone in a rush! It took awhile to make but was totally worth it! Much easier if you have a kitchen helper (husband willing to cut and chop). First step was to dice 4 large tomatoes and roast them in the oven for 40 minutes (not photographed). Meanwhile, we cut up the leaks, onion, and garlic and let that cook over a little olive oil for 10 minutes. Then we added red wine. Brought that to a boil and then reduced heat and let it simmer for 10 minutes.

Then we added the roasted tomatoes, lima beans (I used frozen), fresh parsley, and fresh oregano. Let that simmer for 25 minutes. Then we added Romano flat-beans (again, I used frozen) and some cayenne pepper. If using fresh you'd let them cook for 30 minutes. Instead we felt they were tender after only about 10- 15 minutes.

Toasted bread.

The last step is to sautee the calamari. Finished product looks like this: 

Much enjoyed meal! I will probably leave out the cayenne next time and make more calamari to accompany it. Was said to serve four. I had one bowl. Steve had 2 or 3. We still have plenty of soup left over! Good news because we love left overs at the Handyman's Grandaughter's! We might cut up some of last night's steak to put into it and have it for lunch today! 

Now I need to find another recipe that includes leeks. Not something I often cook with and I have a few stalks left in my refrigerator.  Any ideas?