Monday, March 5, 2012

Fat and Frugal

The "Handyman" or "Poppy," as I knew him, would be astounded and ashamed by the amount of food that goes to waste over here! We (2012 Americans) are a population whose mindset is that when something breaks or goes bad we'll just "get a new one." The recession is starting to change people's habits and maybe we need tougher economic times to get our priorities and pocketbooks straight.

My Poppy would not throw ANYTHING out. He wasn't quite like the show "Hoarders" but he would definitely pick up bikes, furniture, or something that he "could one day fix" off the side of the road. His entire basement was unusable because it had all such items that he "could fix" but would never actually use. I laugh at myself when I slow down to get a better look at furniture and items that "maybe I could refinish" Example A is in my garage. Except this is a quality piece of furniture from Steve's parents house that otherwise would have went in the garbage. And I really do plan need to finish it. Spring plans, my friends!

Example A

Poppy was "green" before it was a political-ecological movement.  When I picture him I see the same clothes he always wore (probably only owned a handful of "outfits"), his cloth handkerchief (no need for kleenex), and his canvas bag (probably filled with prescriptions and dog treats). He hunted and gathered a lot of his own food. He hunted deer, fished, and had a very large garden right in what is now considered a city. He watched every penny.

The "Handyman" holding his Granddaughter :) 

He was mindful of where his products came from and whose job was at stake as a result. Much of my childhood was spent watching Poppy turn over my toys and muttering something about American jobs, pride, and what the future will bring.

USA Pan.  You can get them online or at some Bed Bath and Beyonds. More information can be found Here.  And, despite some companies using "USA" in their name but not actually making their products here, I believe these came from Pennsylvania. Best baking products I've ever used too! 

I heard you.

Our everyday dishes. Fiesta. Only reasonably priced dish line still made in the USA

He could have predicted this recession in the 90's. Poppy really didn't need to watch those pennies like he did. I think, looking back, it was about being responsible. It was about taking only what you need and being happy with what you have. Greed is a nasty sin. Yet, I think he would laugh at all the hippie "green" movements, "Occupy" movements, and the like. His bumper sticker on his old Chevy Suburban read, "Don't blame me..I vote Republic."  Ha. It was just who he was. A child of the Great Depression. A child who shared an average sized bedroom for one in 2012  with 6 or 7 siblings.  A WWII Navy Veteran.  A man who wanted better for his family but did so through honest means, saving, and responsible spending.

To curb our spending and wastefulness I am starting weekly menu planning. Yes, I'll need to go grocery shopping more than once a month but the satisfaction of knowing food isn't being wasted and my family is eating healthy, yet staying well-fed is worth it. I think we'll end up saving time, money, and even calories in the end.

This weeks menu:

Monday: Meat Loaf  with Leek and Brie Bruschetta (told you I'd find a use for those leeks!!! Bonus- found a use for our half a loaf of Italian bread at the same time) and spinach for me and left over green beans for Steve.

Tuesday: Chicken Pot Pie. I have celery, carrots, and parsnips about to turn. Plus, Steve has been politely suggesting I find a recipe for pot pie.

Wednesday: We are going to the casino as part of my "stay-cation." We'll do dinner there.

Thursday: Sneaky Mac + Cheese. I'm calling it such because I'm going to "sneak in" spinach and frozen peas. Steve hates vegetables but is warming up to them if I hide them in bread or cheese.

Friday: Almond-crusted Halibut. Broccoli and a baked or mashed potato as a side. Don't forget it's Lent!

Saturday: Black-Pepper Balsamic Pork with Barley and tomatoes.

Sunday: Sarah L's Chicken Marsala with glazed carrots. 

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